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Re: Southern California Bad News

On 4/4/02 5:14 PM, quoth the effervescent BlairW at aol_com at 
BlairW at aol_com:

>Hey Rhiners:
>The Echo Arts Center, in their infinite wisdom (sarcasm intended -- feel 
>to drive by there and throw eggs and tomatoes at their windows. You can tell 
>the cops I said it was OK), have decided to cancel the Over the Rhine show 
>This puts us in a big bind, as we turned down the Casbah to play at the Arts 
>We're frantically calling coffeeshops and venues from Santa Barbara to San 
>Diego to try and make something work. And from reading here, I know some of 
>you are actually FLYING from somewhere to see this show.
>So, if somebody has a personal relationship with a coffeeshop, bar or even a 
>big LIVING ROOM in southern California, OTR wants to play there on May 10th.
>Please e-mail me directly if you feel you can help out.
>OTR Manager

Oh, shit.

Michelle-- Plan B?

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