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Southern California Bad News

Hey Rhiners:

The Echo Arts Center, in their infinite wisdom (sarcasm intended -- feel free to drive by there and throw eggs and tomatoes at their windows. You can tell the cops I said it was OK), have decided to cancel the Over the Rhine show on 5/10/02.

This puts us in a big bind, as we turned down the Casbah to play at the Arts Center.

We're frantically calling coffeeshops and venues from Santa Barbara to San Diego to try and make something work. And from reading here, I know some of you are actually FLYING from somewhere to see this show.

So, if somebody has a personal relationship with a coffeeshop, bar or even a big LIVING ROOM in southern California, OTR wants to play there on May 10th.

Please e-mail me directly if you feel you can help out.

OTR Manager
