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Re: six degrees

quoth The Don:

So sue me for not having television!  (Okay, I have a TV *set*, but no antenna
or cable.  I just use it to watch DVDs.)  So I haven't seen these infamous
credit card commercials!  All right!

Tsk, tsk, tsk...  how can one be properly "cultured" without being exposed to pop culture?  ;)  Actually, know that I think about it, that's a legitimate question.  Can't believe I was the one to bring it up...

Stevieboo wrote:

Egad...  is there anyone left around here that doesn't call me that?  Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I just didn't expect its usage to spread beyond Jessyka.

> I worked on a film (albeit merely a student film) which starred Kristy Swanson
> Kristy Swanson was in "The Chase" with Charlie Sheen
> Charlie Sheen was in "Navy SEALs" with Bill Paxton
> Bill Paxton was in "Apollo 13" with Kevin Bacon

Wait a minute... I bet you can do one degree better than that.  Kristy Swanson
was the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and that movie had Donald
Sutherland, Luke Perry, Rutger Hauer, Paul Reubens, Hilary Swank, David
Arquette and Ben Affleck in it.  One of those people *must* have done a movie
with Kevin Bacon!  

Of course!  Donald Sutherland and Kevin Bacon were both in Animal House.  There
you go.  You're down to three degrees.  You to Swanson to Sutherland to Bacon.

Woot!  I am hereby proclaiming myself king of this particular game.  Thanks, Don - couldn't have done it without ya!  At least not until Peter joined in...  ;)

So, can you introduce me to Kristy Swanson?  Just *KIDDING*!  ;-)

Uh-huh, sure you are...

oncleboo at aol_com

"...there are two races of men in this world, but only these two - the 'race' of the decent man and the 'race' of the indecent man." – Viktor Frankl