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Re: Basic Nettiquette

Ysobelle wrote:
> Far be it from me to restrict anyone's right to make themselves look like a
> complete moron in public.

I just about snarfed my girl scout cookies all over the monitor when I read this.

> FOR THE LOVE OF BOB, TURN OFF YOUR HTML! There are some lovely folks
> hereabouts whose posts we'd love to read, except we can't find 'em in the
> morass of code in which they're embedded.

Some people who use web-browser-type clients to read their email may not
realize what their client is hiding from them, especially if the *software*
writes the HTML for them.  I got an email from someone the other day,
forwarding an article they had read about Michael Moore, and it looked like

<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"><BR>
----------</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"><B>From:</B></FONT></FONT> &nbsp;&nbsp;<F=
ONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Koyuki Yip <BR>
<B>Sent:</B></FONT></FONT> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Tuesday, March 12, 2002 11:38:51 AM <BR>
<B>To:</B></FONT></FONT> &nbsp;<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">ALL STAFF-=
-Nationwide <BR>
<B>Subject:</B></FONT></FONT> &nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"=
> Michael Moore, the book and the police <BR>
<B>Auto forwarded by a Rule</B></FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">From: Michael Moore &lt;mikemail@cl=
To: &nbsp;michaelmoore-l at cloud9_net</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Subject:[Mike's Message] Police Rai=
d Booksigning for Stupid White Men</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Date: 11 Mar 2002 16:22:26 -0500</F=
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New"> <BR>
<FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Police Raid, Shut Down My Booksigning in San Diego=
<FONT FACE=3D"Courier New"> <BR>

Now, am I *really* being arrogant when I say that this is mildly annoying?
Wouldn't *you* prefer not to have to wade through code like this?

'nuff said.
Don Smith                          Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd" - Miguel de Unamuno
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