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OK, here's my pet peeve.

People on a list that think it is their responsibility to tell other people 
how and what they should post.  "We have been getting new people on the list 
and I have to tell them what is acceptable to us".  How arrogant.

And then of course who would add his peeves to the list?  Right you are, 
Mr.. Pompous.  Not unexpectedly, his items were in a numeric order (most 
likely in the order of how much they {we} irritate him).  I am surprised 
that he didn't come up with a clever acronym to help us remember how much we 
displease him by our posting behavior.

The only other responses were by the little duckies trying to make sure they 
were toeing Mr.. Pompous' line and not incurring his wrath.

There is no moderator on this list and we don't want or need you to appoint 
yourself to said position.


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