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Re: Toasty emails.

Kylie said:

Ahh...David the peacemaker. Thank you.

David said:

>i like orange marmalade on my toast. the sweetness of the orange nectar is
>appealing...because it satisfies the desire for something superficial (a
>facade if you will)...although...mixed with the bitterness of the orange
>skin...and the hard texture of "toasted" bread...invokes a cornucopia of
>challenges for the palate. all of these flavours/characteristics in & of
>themselves don't do anything sufficient to nourish the body. but put
>together in an harmonious balance...make an awfully tasty treat...worthy of
>consuming anytime of the day. none of them too overbearing. a perfect
>an inviting combination. ya' know what i'm saying? :o)

I said: *being Gentlewound/aka Sheri*

Where there is peace..there is love..
and where there is love..
There is always chocolate...
But not on toast...

Although I must say after reading David's thoughts I had to run out and buy
some Orange Marmalade....and..it was like taking the rain out of the whole
day..and putting sun and brightness into it!
Although I do love a good thunderstorm..
Yes..within every Yin..there is a Yang..
But I digress..


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