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Re: Raffi

Ah, so you were a Raffi fan as a youngling!  I had honestly never heard a recording by him until I had a child, although we sang many of his songs in school.  Now I owe him the gift of quiet car trips : )
I'd never put him in for my own listening pleasure, but he beats the tar out of Kidz Bop (which I emphatically do *not* own, praise be!).  It is the only kids stuff I've heard so far that I can call "music" without a trace of irony.  Well, except certain Veggie Tales songs...

Sigh.  I know a lot of those.

Shutting up before I start debating the merits of Blue's Clues vs. Dora the Explorer,

In a message dated 3/6/02 7:38:40 AM Central Standard Time, bravesaintkate at juno_com writes:

well, he was my favorite back when i wanted a giraffe named after him...

i can't say he's my favorite now but.. i still sing along.