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i think it was bruce who said:

<I'd bet if we'd get down to the bottom of that
"belief" quiz, we'd 
find it  was sponsored by the Quakers and the
Universal Unitarians to get 
them more 

dan in michigan said:

hey! i came up as a univeral unitarian....mebbe he's

-->well, it came out pretty low on mine :)  and i
laughed when is secular humanism taking last with
4%--that's always one i slam here and there.

dan addiccion:
btw: everything on my top 26 came up over 50% - this
from someone who 
believes no religion....

-->i don't know that anyone has that situation :)  1)
we all do some things relgiously (maybe exercise,
maybe work) and 2) when you negate something it's just
as sincere as setting down a belief you affirm.

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