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RE: God test

About http://www.beliefnet.com/story/76/story_7665_1.html, question 12 had
no acceptable answers... what does THAT say about me?  Oh, here's the rest:

     1.  Liberal Protestant (100%)
            2.  Bahá'í (87%)
            3.  Conservative Protestant (83%)
            4.  Orthodox Quaker (80%)
            5.  Liberal Quaker (79%)
            6.  Seventh Day Adventist (65%)
            7.  Orthodox Judaism (65%)
            8.  Eastern Orthodox (62%)
            9.  Roman Catholic (62%)
            10.  Unitarian Universalism (61%)
            11.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (60%)
            12.  Reform Judaism (60%)
            13.  Islam (59%)
            14.  Jehovah's Witness (58%)
            15.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
            16.  Sikhism (53%)
            17.  Mahayana Buddhism (51%)
            18.  Theravada Buddhism (50%)
            19.  Jainism (45%)
            20.  New Age (44%)
            21.  New Thought (42%)
            22.  Neo-Paganism (39%)
            23.  Hinduism (36%)
            24.  Secular Humanism (32%)
            25.  Taoism (28%)
            26.  Atheism and Agnosticism (27%)
            27.  Scientology (27%)

Seems to be about accurate to me... but why is it that a lot of my friends
are Atheist and Neo Pagan?  Hmmm... oposites attract?


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