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FWIW (was:loosey/mormon/catholic/slut)

Rose asked about FWIW.
"For What It's Worth"
(Liked your suggestions, tho.)

And... FWIW... 
I had Peter's problem... I think too much in general, and wondered (though 
not as comprehensively as Peter did!) how the answers on which I was having 
trouble choosing would change my results.  So I took it twice: (When in 
doubt, repeat the experiment!)

These were the results from my first (and maybe slightly more correct) 
1.  Reform Judaism (100%)  
2.  Liberal Protestant (90%)  
3.  Sikhism (89%)  
4.  Liberal Quaker (87%)  
5.  Unitarian Universalism (84%)  
6.  Neo-Paganism (79%)  
7.  Bahá'í (78%)  
8.  Orthodox Judaism (78%)  
9.  New Age (77%)  
10.  Mahayana Buddhism (72%)  
23.  Atheism and Agnosticism (45%)  
24.  Taoism (43%)  
25.  Secular Humanism (42%)  
26.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (38%)  
27.  Jehovah's Witness (25%)  
Then I went back and picked the OTHER maybe-answer on the middling things and 
got this: 

1.  Reform Judaism (100%)  
2.  Sikhism (86%)  
3.  Liberal Protestant (82%)  
4.  Bahá'í (75%)  
5.  Orthodox Judaism (75%)  
6.  Liberal Quaker (74%)  
7.  Unitarian Universalism (70%)  
8.  Islam (67%)  
9.  Neo-Paganism (64%)  
10.  Conservative Protestant (63%)  
23.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (33%)  
24.  Secular Humanism (33%)  
25.  Taoism (32%)  
26.  Atheism and Agnosticism (30%)  
27.  Jehovah's Witness (22%)  

*grin*  I think I'm going to print this out and hand it to those missionaries 
who knock on my door.  "Waste of time here, boys... very little Mormon in me, 
and even less JW.... see... the Internet told me so!" 

Reform Judaism: Interesting, and way out ahead of the others, but I just 
can't see tossing out half the Bible.  Hmm.  

Sikhism: Mmm... No... on the basis of this alone:
"...initiates are required to wear five distinctive symbols: uncut hair, a 
comb, a steel wrist bangle, a sword, and short underpants."  

I'm having some trouble imagining myself garbed in this manner...  It's 
extremely amusing, though... 


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