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re: art or trash?

if i recall the original message was akin to whether or not porn was art - 
Layne put it well that because perspectives are different people will 
percieve art and beauty quite differently - but, there is another issue of 
porn that we haven't touched: morality. we had this discussion in my ethics 
theory and practice class and it was very interesting to hear people's 
opinions so if no one objects, on to morality

- i think Layne covered the essence of what the Bible says in  that "it is 
not what goes into a person that makes them sin but rather what comes out." 
(though i think this quote is in reference to food but the concept still 
applies) - Although - the Bible (for those who ascribe to follow it) also 
says to keep your mind on things that are lovely, pure, etc., essentially to 
Have about one's self the mind of Christ (GAL for keeping your mind on 
things above and 1COR chapter 2 for the mind of Christ) - now the issue of 
whose perspective you look with comes into play.  Do Christian's absolve 
their freedom in obedience to God or would they gain freedom by seeing 
things as God sees them?

- and since not all going to read this know the Bible or claim Christianity, 
how would porn work itself into a social contract?(in Hobbe's terms), why 
would a social contract allow some forms of pornography and not others? and 
if you are a utilitarian instead of an ethical egoist - how does pornography 
benifit the whole of society when it is the cause of addiction for many and 
a chief key, through the destruction of the family, in the creation of what 
is now a fatherless generation of people?  Is porn really the greatest good 
for the greatest number of people - and who determines what is good - is it 
the will of the people as Mill would suggest - able to change based on human 
fickleness or is it something set that all should abide by?

send out any other questions that would apply to porn and morality



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