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Re: OtR Tonight/New Discussion topic

fun listie sue who ditched the cleveland show last night (*pout*) said:

> in fact I think they're adorable and they 
>  make me laugh, but it seems like society frowns upon people like me who 
> choose 
>  not to have them.  Words like "immature" or "deviant" are often used to 
>  describe people like me.

you know, i think that's so sad.  i know many people who have chosen to live 
life childless, and i think it is admirable.  i could never do it!  but if 
that is what works for others, then that is their perogative.

seriously...i don't think that society should force *anyone* to have children 
against their will.  enough people are having children when the little ones 
are not wanted...why add to the number of children growing up abandoned, 
either literally or figuratively?

i want to house foster kids one day.  maybe i will not have that chance, but, 
if i do, i want to help as many children as i can find a loving home.  *sigh* 
 i love kids so much.

well, this was number 30 of 113.  i've had a long couple of days...i'll write 
more about the cleveland show later, after i get to read my dear friend 
katherine's post.  :)

*hugz and kisses*

ps...if anyone cares, i got an A on my senior thesis!  YAY!
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