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RE: Re: grammar gestapo (piercing police)

> > now who's watching who with the scrutinising eyes?


> you mean squinty eyes and a scrunched up nose?
> i shall not pull a 'david', i shall not correct his
> spelling mistakes.  i will not join the grammar
> gestapo ranks.  i will hold out.  aughhhhhhhhh.

my dear liesel (to copy someone else),

scrutinise is valid. just like characterise, realise, vandalise,
demoralise, aggrandise, colourise, etc


/z/ and /s/ are interchangeable after a fashion - when preceded by an /i/

i think. actually, the rule is made up - i have no how the rule goes in UK
style english.

i grew up with grey, colour, realise, and a slurry of variously spelled
words which got me in no end of trouble by the authorities of educative



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