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Re: Vegetarianism

question (and i admit that it's probably very silly):
does some of this soy stuff taste like it's soy? 
and i don't want an answer from people who have been eating soy for years and years.    i just started drinking soy milk because real milk is starting to irratate my stomach.  anyway, it really doesn't taste that great, although i'm slowly starting to get used to it.  i'd like to start eating more of a vegetarian diet just because it seems healthier, but how and where should i start?
and what's a good tasting soy milk . . . one that i can use for latte's and such
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Smith [mailto:dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:37 PM
To: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Re: Vegetarianism


I live in a house with six other people, and we take turns cooking meals
we eat together most nights a week.  Among those six people, we have one
one person deathly allergic to eggs, one person who is both lactose
and alergic to gluten, one person who's committed to organic food, and one
person who is allergic to seafood (including some kinds of seaweed).  And
know what?  We eat like *royalty*.  Last night we had latkes with
steamed red cabbage, a lettuce salad, and a cheesecake for dessert.  Yes, a
vegan cheesecake.  We have hearty stews, tasty desserts, casseroles, and an
amazing variety of salads.  Curried tofu with tomatoes and cauliflower.
coconut soup with mushrooms.  Nut and mushroom based shepherd's pie.
potatoes with garlic and rosemary.  Chocolate mousse with raspberries and
ice cream.  Lasagna with kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, and tofu
Lettuce with sauteed pears, dried cranberries and walnuts with a raspberry
vinagrette dressing.  Rice and raisins mixed with pumpkin innards and baked
inside the pumpkin.  And that's just scratching the surface.

Anyone who thinks vegetarian food is bland or limited has simply not been
trying.  You can go a long way with just spices.  I took a package of frozen
corn, put it in a pan in which I had sauteed some garlic in a little oil
cumin, coriander, cayenne, turmeric, and rosemary, and then mixed it up and
it steam, and it was deeeee-licious!  Another fun vegetable sauce is
honey, red pepper flakes, and garlic.  A party for the taste buds.

I, myself, would not call myself a vegetarian because I do eat meat when at
restaurants or over at other people's houses, but there's nothing inferior
about vegan cooking, I can promise you that.

Okay, now I'm hungry again.  Dang it.  :-)
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/
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