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Re: buy nothing day - - bad idea

yeah, we're not headed into a recession as it is...
why not further our economic downturn?  sounds
like a peachy plan.  incredibly brilliant.

i probably won't be buying anything that day anyhow
due to trying to enjoy a relaxing day off work with
friends and family (and maybe a rousing game of
disc golf), but this idea (and many other ideas)
of boycotting products or buying things in general
rarely hurt those who the boycotters are trying to
reach.  it usually hurts everyone else.

my former church even went along with many of the
fundamental christian boycotts... proctor & gamble,
disney/ABC, etc for whatever asinine reason that
they could come up with (see almost anything Mr.
Falwell has said in the past 10 years- he's the
epitome of an irrational fundamentalist)... i'm not 
sure how diligent my former church is in their 
boycotting, but what does it really do?  do the head-
honchos of whomever they're boycotting ever suffer
the consequences?  rarely.  usually it'd be some
single-parent working as a clerk at some store who
gets laid off because the store goes under or they
have to lay people off.  the front lines suffer, and
they aren't the ones making the decisions.  they're
just the ones taking the hit if the boycotting gets

our country's economic market (and the world markets)
need a slight boost.  they were headed for a slight
recession before the 9.11.01 events.  that just
threw everything into a screeching halt.  the effects
of that day have seriously impacted the job market.

i'd say that a "buy nothing day" is not in order.

boycotting the boycotters,

np: incubus - morning view

--- Arthur Dent <kenlovesbrenda at msn_com> wrote:
> wow . . .  it's great to find someone else who is in
> to Adbusters.  i used to have a bunch of their
> posters up around the youth room i used to work at .
> . . and we made a big thing out of teevee turnoff
> week, too.
> NP: brand new acoustic Cure!
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> November 23, 2001 is International Buy Nothing Day.
> On the busiest shopping day of the year, the day
> after American
> Thanksgiving, people from over 30 countries take a
> break from the frenzy
> and cast thier vote against the golden calf:
> consumerism and the global
> economy. (http://www.adbusters.org.)
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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