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Re: OtR Footage (was Re: Assorted swag)

here's one of your forseen disagreements.

I know well from experience what you mean by an OtR concert being an
event that can't be duplicated on film but for those who long to see OtR live 
who never have or those (like myself) who would love to see OtR with Ric 
again it would be the next best thing. Personally I'd give anything to have 
one of those old shows to watch and treasure over and over again, especially 
to show people I know who don't have ANY idea just how truly wonderful an OtR 
live experience really is. I've searched high and low for anyone who had a 
live vid from the old days for, like, forever. I know they're out there as 
I've seen tapers quite a few times but I sure have never been able to find 
  Hell, if I was a rich man I'd support thier next album all by myself for 
just one live tape with Ric. Not that I don't love them now, I do,  but OtR 
then was a whole nuther animal. It's like we've gotten two bands in one and 
I've loved being there every step of the way to see them grow but I'd love to 
have a video memory of the first one as that was the one I first fell in love 
with. sniffles. 

kevin (not above pleading with Linford and Karin either --- pleaaaaaase!!! -- 
for the fans???)

<<  I mean, how in the 
 world would you put "Happy to Be So" or "Moth" to video in a way that 
 would do the song justice? And with a live video, there's not much OtR 
 does other than just be thier wonderful selves when they're on stage-- 
 an OtR concert is this very spiritual, emotional connection between band 
 and audience, and that doesn't translate to video, I don't think.
 I know practically everyone will disagree, so I'm covering my head with 
 my hands now...
 -John >>
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