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Re: Matrix and Jacksie

In a message dated 10/25/01 3:54:47 PM !!!First Boot!!!, Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com writes:

Alternately, it _IS_ possible that Cypher is openly spending time in the
Matrix-- and having someone pull him in and out-- just not telling anyone
where he is or what he's doing. I'm sure he'd be able to disable the
monitors that would tell the rest of the crew where he is or who he's
with. And as long as the Matrix doesn't leave cookies on his hard drive,
who'd know?

At the risk of carrying on this non-OTR discussion, I have to say this is the best answer anyone has given me on that question.  We never "really" know when he meets with the agent, we (or I did) just assume it was after Neo left and he was alone.  It could have been anytime. 

My critique group pondered this one and a couple think there was another person secretly aboard.  This doesn't work for me, but I won't take up space here with the reasons. Others believe the answer will be in the sequel.  I guess we'll see. 

Back to Otr.  I see someone brought up Wuthering Heights.  I don't yet have the Patience CD, but I have heard Jacksie and it immediately reminded me of  the first time I saw the movie with Lawrence Olivier.   Jacksie just flows right into the mood of that film.

It was a song (Pat Benatar's) that led me to stay up half the night to see the movie in the first place. 

Rinda, reaching here... <g>