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Re: Aaron Sprinkle

on 10/17/01 10:54 AM, Lawlor, Barry at Barry.Lawlor at ssa_gov wrote:

> --Aaron Sprinkle is wonderful!  Any new news about Poor Old Lu getting back
> together and getting a new disc out?????
Hey... this is from Poor Old Lu's web site...

"The album is coming along, of course, albeit slowly.  It seems that the
release date is being pushed back, which may *really* upset some of you. 
Why is that, you ask?  Well... it's for a few reasons.  First of all, with
Jesse in New York the writing process is much more difficult.  We're hoping
to have the drums laid down for all of the songs this week!  After that,
Nick, Aaron and I can work fervently on our parts.  Secondly, we really want
to give this album the time that it deserves.  The folks at Tooth & Nail are
more interested in a *great* album than just getting an album out quick.  So
are we.  We believe strongly that this album will not only be "up to Lu
quality", but the best album we've ever done.  To that end, we want to
devote more time to the entire process.  As clips become available, we will
post them here... I promise!"

They are back together. They played two shows at Cornerstone and were really
great. HTH...


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