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Re: Pre/Post-show arrangements?

Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
> Also, we must-- and I say this cos...well..I can
> -- have brunch the next day. I'm volunteering
> Chris to make French toast.

will Chris even make an appearance at an OtR show?
i haven't seen him at a show (OtR or monk) for,
like, 2 years... what's up with that, Chris?

> And I still want Karin and Linford to stop by, too!

that'd be cool... but, ya know, i feel bad, seeing
as three (3) of us showed up when they invited us
to join them at Kaldi's two years ago.  jay, lynz,
toast... hey, you guys comin' to the Xmas show?

i feel bad, because i was gonna go to Kaldi's to
meet K&L, but didn't.  i had no idea that too many
people had my idea that day.

hey whaddaya know... i'm actually listening to
OtR... yay!


np: OtR - GDBD:tHR

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