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OTR Tribute CD & DrewVogel.COM

Testing... 1... 2... 3...

Is this thing on?

After almost two freaking' weeks of being offline, DrewVogel.COM is finally
back online!

ZoomTown, my ISP, took their sweet time in protecting themselves against the
Nimda Worm... Can't say I blame them for taking precautions, but Sweet
Christ... TWO WEEKS?

We're back to our regular programming now, with some new enhancements, both
behind the scenes and visible.

Anyhow, we're back online now. Just remember: Nimda didn't hurt Linux boxes
at all. 

Orders for the Tribute CD are still coming in... The Tribute CD is on it's
way (right Bruce?), and should be here any day (right Bruce?) and we'll be
able to ship very soon (right Bruce?). In fact, on Friday of this week, I
will print mailing labels and packing slips for all orders that we've
received by that date...

Once again, the URL for ordering the Tribute CD is:
Unsubscribe by going to http://www.actwin.com/MediaNation/OtR/