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RE: CCall

hmm. how about just lyrics only?  :-)

anyone read Linford's newest?


 Can't Sing
So instead
I have to wrap my arms
Around your head
And pull you to my heart
And squeeze
Just hard enough
To let you know
We could hurt each other

. . .

copyright 2000, Linford Detweiler


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
[mailto:owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com]On Behalf Of sara lamb
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:23 PM
To: OtR
Subject: Re: CCall

> but the new album is seriously lacking in his songs.
> and aaron tate songs... not too many of those on
> there (if any, i don't recall).
i thought i was one of the few who only liked
caedmon's for derek webb and aaron tate. garrett buell
is also neato, though. why do i always dig the

and for otr content... who would win in a fight
between derek and linford? figure on two options-- 1.
no foreign objects  2. folding chairs, tables,
ladders, etc. whatever.


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