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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #750

on 9/20/01 3:58 AM, Over-The-Rhine Digest at Owner-Over-The-Rhine at ActWin_com

> Agreed, which is why I fervently hope that our government
> will use the momentum and *wonderful* worldwide outpouring
> of sympathy not to build a coalition to attack Afghanistan
> (or Iraq, as William F Buckley suggests), but to figure out
> a world-wide path that will solve the terrorism problem.
As much as I agree and wish it with all ym heart, unfortunately, I don't see
it happening with you-know-who in charge (apologies to those of you who
voted for him)

> If we had a Marshall Plan
> for the Islamic world, when people like Bin Laden tried to say
> we were evil and hateful, people would say "what are you talking
> about?  They're helping us out!"  Instead they see us supporting
> Israel in terrorist acts, bombing the Sudan and other innocents,
> and continuing to embargo Iraq at the cost of childrens' lives.
> We can be more careful about the crazies, and we can undercut them
> by dealing with other countries in a more respectful and less
> self-centered way.
> Why should mililtary strikes be the default position, and those of
> us who want to try other options have to defend our position and
> show that it would work?  Why don't those in favor of bombing
> Afghanistan explain how they think that's going to make things
> better?
Both of these statements make so much actual logical sense, that we both
know it won't happen. These things would actually be working toward
prevention, and wouldn't fuel the seemingly all-consuming rage and desire
for revenge that so many people (unfortunately, many of them in the govt)
have right now. 

I apologize to those on digest (like myself), for repeating these sections,
but I really think that they are worth repeating (agiain and again and

I have been reading everything about this on the list, and I have to say, to
Don particularly, that his posts have made the most sense and I'm glad that
you are speaking out.

Personally, I can't really string together many words that make sense on
this subject (yet), as we're all still dealing with it emotionally here,
within sight of NYC. (at least at my house) and it's much harder when you
send your beloved back into said city every morning.....

But I do want to thank Don and everyone who has been so patient with one
another and eloquent when it ceoms to discussing these difficult issues.

Peace to all,
Thankful Mom to Malcolm (6) and wife to Will

"Nothin' much here but our broken dreams...
Nothin' is ever quite what it seems. And I'm dyin' inside to leave you with
more than just cliches...
I just don't have much left to say. They've taken their toll, these latter
days."  ~Over the Rhine, Latter Days

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