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Re: Miami Herald

All that will be left
  (one fish, two fish
is what we leave behind.
      three fish, four
Skin cells fall like leaves to dust the cabinet & air
           five fish,
hair in the hairbrush, woven into carpet.
                six fish,
From others long before
                     in this pond                 
remaining after I am gone
                         they'll always be
I wish my legacy were something

I have been following the mailing list for some time,
waiting for words while reading them and am still left
to wonder what is to be said.  Shall we retaliate?  I
wish this were the roman empire, we could leave these
towers in a pile to be built upon like Pompeii, not
carry our sorrow away piece by piece, but learn to
live with it, learn to live from it:  let it be
excavated a thousand years from now as if to say this
is what hate does.  We will find Osama and try him, or
kill him where he stands, we'll root out the base
around us and become base in our anger towards them. 
There are no cowboys, there is nothing noble in war,
but we will go to it, because they gave us nothing
else to do. So what will our legacy be?  It cannot be
peace, because peace will be portrayed as weakness to
the fundamentalist.  We cannot reason with them: "Bad
terrorist, bad".  

When destruction comes let it be for something with
the semblance of noble cause:
let this be our legacy:  in 2001 there were 270
million americans who lost 5,200 of their own, they
had evil crash down on them and went after this evil
with a vengence, they pissed nations off, they
annihilated others, but they said you will not kill me
in my sleep, you will not ruin a beautiful tuesday
again. you will not father and yet make my own
fatherless.  there will not be a slow world holocaust,
plain people picked off 5,000 at a time because you
are on a power trip:  because i am not afraid of you. 
i am not afraid to look evil in the face and i am not
afraid to die just because you aren't either.  And if
we do it right in the end we will look them in the eye
and say 'this hurt me more than it hurt you' -- if we
can't we did it for the wrong reasons.

As for Jerry, this is not God.  Has He worked like
that since the old testament?  This is not because we
as a nation have turned from him -- a group of
puritans settling here doesn't make us a Christian
nation, we are a nation with Christians in it.  This
is the result of the separation of man from God. 
Period.  This is sin in our lives, not individual sin,
but collective, this is what happens when we eat the
apple:  we make choices and those decisions compound
with a wicked interest rate and man is farther from
God than ever and eden is buried like Pompeii.  Shall
we excavate our hearts and see what treasures God has
left, waiting there for us to return?

the first of my listee hellos & my kindest regards,
--- Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at yahoo_com> wrote:
> --- "Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca>
> wrote:
>   Any reprisals
> > are likely to steel the
> > other guy's resolve too, so unless we do them
> wisely
> > and carefully, I'm
> > worried that our response(s) to this could make
> > things worse.
> Well, yeah.  If we do nothing we continue to suffer
> terrorist attacks.  If (when) we respond we suffer
> some attacks and a lot of skirmishes break out. 
> It's
> called war.  I don't think anyone is under any
> illusions that it will be any other way.  I think
> Dubya and others have been pretty straightforward
> about this.  To paraphrase what the man said the
> other
> day; peace is cool, but a man's gotta do what a
> man's
> gotta do.
> Where have all the cowboys gone?!?
> k
> =====
> Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who
> suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
> Charly: "No. What?"
> Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."
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