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RE: work this

> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> oh yeah - and christians aren't allowed to drink & dance either.
> unless dancing is under the "influence" of the holy spirit, huh?
Absolutely, David!  I also make sure to also give weekly to Trinity
Broadcasting Network, insist that Sherry wear at _least_ 1/4 lb of makeup
(gotta pretty up that temple, you know!), keep children from reading C S
Lewis (he was a heathen Anglican, you know...), send off concerned letters
to 'Christian rock' bands like Rez and Petra telling them to turn from
their sin, and keep abreast of who Hal Lindsay currently believes will be
the anti-Christ this week.  Oh, and did I mention that I'm a regular
contributor to Trinity Broadcasting Network?

I _am_ the Christian Sub-Genius and this is my rant...

Or kill me,
-Drew J


i was about to make some similar statements.
i just didn't want to appear too "pious".

peace & veggies,

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