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another face to palestine

i realise that there were pictures of people celebrating: this i do not
dispute. merely i offer what a friend sent to me from palestine.

she's with the Christian Peacemake Teams.



Hebron News Brief,
September 12, 2001

Dozens of Palestinian friends and strangers phoned or approached members
of the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron throughout the day to express
condolences for the catastrophe in New York and Washington. Several times
when members of the team said they had no television, Hebronites
responded, "It is better. No one should see these pictures."

At no point in the course of the day, did team members witness anyone
celebrating or even speaking with approval of the disasters.

Christian Peacemaker Teams is a program of Brethren, Quaker and Mennonite
Churches.  CPT P. O. Box 6508 Chicago, IL 60680 tel. 312-455-1199 FAX
312-432-1213, E-Mail cpt at igc_org WEB www.prairienet.org/cpt

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