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Re: gas prices

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Japhy wrote:

> why has gas shot up to 3.25? that jsut doesnt make sense.....its still 1.35
> here in texas......are people really lining up arond the block?
>   -tc from austin

assuming that the middle east is the origin of attacks
1- economic sanctions are sure to follow
2 - war or some sort of retaliation is sure to follow.
3 - oil prices will go up as ther'es a higher feeling of risk involved
with said oil from said countries.
4 - and since traffic frm many countries has been halted (ones coming to
us), and then since cities are shut down, markets are closed.
5 - texas won't see much hike - they've their own oil supplies.

or something like that.


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