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Sampler idea

Thanks whoever it was that recently talked about doing the OTR sampler for a
friend! (sorry, I'm still getting to know everyone) I swiped it, as over the
holiday weekend I visited OH and saw my Dad's wife, who I turned onto OTR
whilei was staying there last year for a bit. Anyway, she had Amateur
Shortwave Radio, which is the only non-Xmas cd I didn't have. Well, being
the angel that she is, she sent it home with me, so in gratitude (and to
tide her over until I replace the cd for her) I'm making her a sampler, too.

Thanks again for the idea!
And don't worry, this just means I'll have to get off my butt and buy
another one for her and probably the Xmas one for myself and her for, well,
Xmas. (even though we tend to celebrate Solstice around here)


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