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Re: droning

--- Dan Temmesfeld <dtemm at yahoo_com> wrote:
> overall, there's not much that any of us do that
> is significant.  

Actually, I believe there are a lot of things that are
very significant.  It is in light of those things that
other things seem so insignificant.

i'd venture to say that it's all
> what you make of it.  there is signifigance in
> everything if it's an important aspect of who you
> are.

I'll buy that.

> the term "real life" makes no sense to me.

I think a lot of times we say things aren't "real
life" in an effort to deny that they are actually part
of life, like it or not.  Or sometimes that's just a
way of saying that something is relatively

> something got you down, kelvo?

Mmm...I think if I have to spend one more month here
at this hole that I call a job my head will explode. 
I'm tired of these people.  I'm tired of mixed up
priorites.  I'm tired of being asked to make bricks
with no straw.
Other than that, all is hunky-dory.  When I leave here
I'm loving life.  Problem is, I typically check and
respond to my email at work.  If I did that at home, I
would probably come across as a much happier Kelvo.

Anyway, thanks for asking.

Back to real life!


Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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