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Re: the be***es (was Re: Guilty musical pleasures)

On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Laura Hepker wrote:

> I nearly caused my friend to crash her car the other day when she realized I
> knew *all* the lyrics to "Bad Medicine" and "Love Bites". :)

i tried and thought and thought... but couldn't come up with much.

so maybe it's not the same thing, but i love bluegrass. but i don't admit
it to many people. same with country - i don't love it - but i do enjoy
sometimes the story-telling aspects, and the rhythms.  sometimes.
bluegrass always, though.

bluegrass is tied deeper than i can figure out.  some of my first memories
are of bluegrass festivals. of driving all day, cos we were moving
somewhere. and the slow summer heat that put us all to sleep (to my
parent's relief). and waking up to gravel roads and fishtailing awkwardly
towards a hand-painted sign 'bluegrass festival'.  of getting out in the
dusty fairgrounds and being surrounded by smell upon smell. and then
sitting and listening to old men play their hearts out in the flickering
firelight or under the floodlights. and playing tag with mountain kdis
when i was tired (or kicked out by another sibling) of sitting in dad's
lap. i don't have any bluegrass anymore. but everynow and then i hear it

go away, or i will replace you with a very small shell script.

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