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Re: Guilty musical pleasures

> We all like quality, intelligent,
> thought-provoking music on this list. So what I
> am curious about is your guilty musical pleasure.
> What song or artist or band comes on the radio,
> and you crank it?

Skip to next message if epithetically squeamish...

Oh yeah.  But my guilty plasure is not Def Leppard.  It's the
lilting, dulcet tones of KG and JB, Wonderboy and Young NastyMan, Jack
Black and Kyle Glass.  Tenacious D.

The D should not be as good as they are.  They're a couple of overweight,
balding white guys with acoustic guitars.  No backup band, just them.  
But they quite frankly kick the ass of just about any act currently on

You can find their music all over the Internet.  Sweet ballads like "Fuck
Her Gently", "Explosivo", "Double Team", "History of Tenacious D",
"Sasquatch", and "Dio" explain their central subject matters, which seem
to be sex, drugs, Satan, and why they are the mother-fucking best band in
the world.  On mp3, they sound...amusing.  But then you see them live, and
these two rock a house with nothing but six-strings and musical arrogance
the size of Wyoming.

And you know, this sort of bravado doesn't play well with most people.  
You shake your head and move on, thinking what assholes these musicians
are.  But then the live show comes to town and you realize that they
_are_, in fact, the Greatest Band in the muthafuckin' World.  Not the best
band in the world.  That's reserved.  But add some obscenity in the middle
there, and you've got it down.  It's not a band to introduce your fifteen
year old teenage boy to.  But it is a band to go down to the local club
and snatch up tickets as soon as you hear of them coming, because they are
just that good.

Jack Black's (you may recall Jack as the obnoxious record store clerk from
_High Fidelity_) stage presence with a jumbo acoustic guitar is larger
than a pyrotechnics display in front of the Statue of Liberty on July 4th.  
He feeds off the audience good time and gives it right back.  KG is the
perfect straight man to Jack's bravado and swagger.  He's usually the butt
of Jack's jokes, and will tend to quit the band once every show.  But his
licks are good, and their banter is supremely fun.

Their songs are short, profane, and frankly nasty.  But man, they're
funny.  And it's not the kind of chuckling Weird Al funny, but the
jaw-dropping, laugh and cheer out loud funny that you occasionally
need.  Sometimes you just need a little bit of that Kielbasa
Sausage.  And Kage and Jaybels deliver.

Check 'em out, cuz Drew Johnson said so.

-Drew J,
who can't believe he just wrote such a shining review of these guys.  But
it's true.  <sigh>

O ^ ^     Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew     )
O(_|_) Tengo gusto de comer creyones. -Elian Gonzales, 4/27/00, goats.com  X
O Check out splat.melm.org (monkey at melm_org) & goats.com (drew at goats_com)  |

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