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Fwd: lighting a small candle (was Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #704)

the following is from binky...

Note: forwarded message attached.

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--- "J. Marie Hall" <fionaeval at yahoo_com> wrote:
> hi bink :)

hi marie!

> i'm so glad you posted.  how are things?

hmmmmmm.... i guess i *could* unlurk a little and give
an update to those who reeeeeeeeeally want to know...

> are you painting, friend????  are you writing? 
> please tell me that you are.

i plead the 5th.

honestly, much is happening in my life these days. but
my art, writing, and music are still very slow in
coming. i am, however, struggling through a wonderful
book called "The Artist's Way," which is a journey in
search of the true, abandoned, creative self. i've
felt a few channels unlocking here and there, though
the gates have yet to be released.

i have also become somewhat involved in a caring
ministry designed to help individuals through times of
crisis and need. i haven't had opportunity to totally
emerse myself in this commitment, but do i have my
hands in the water, so to speak.

work is crazier than ever. i still dislike my job and
am trying to keep my eyes open for new horizons. i
have reason to stay in fort wayne for a short time
longer, which may make things in the job department a
little more difficult. we're heading into our biggest
catalogue of the year, so i'll be keeping long,
sleepless nights in front of a computer screen soon
enough. oh, joy.

on a very possitive note (a rarity for me?) i am in a
very healthy relationship. it's one of the few things
which keeps me grounded and (somewhat) sane. like i
said, i have reasons to stay in fort wayne a little

i am also planning a personal escape this weekend by
taking a couple extra days around the holiday to
breathe a little and wrerstle with my creativity. i
deserve a break, dammit. i'll either come out
refreshed and renewed, or dead from drowning in black
india ink and strangled by my own guitar strings.
we'll see....

> life is good.

glad to know you are doing well. good luck with school
this year!

time to find something to eat... take care, all.


p.s. i happened to be in a cathedral with a friend
this past week, so i lit a candle for you, Karin.

p.p.s. if for some reason, i forgot to send this to
the list, please forward it on... thanks!

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