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OT - VOL Minnepolis Summershine Listening Party

Thoought some OTR people may be interested in the pre-release listening party 
for the new VOL CD.

VOL - Minneapolis Summershine Listening Party

Date:  Monday August 12, 2001
Time:  7:30 pm
Place:  Central Free Church, 707 10th Ave. S., Minneapolis.  (1 block south 
of the dome)  

Do not call the church office for info, they have none.  E-mail me or call me 
at the church at 612-332-772 and tell my secretary that is a personal call I 
asked you to make in response to an e-mail.  She is brand new to her job and 
knows nothing about VOL.  Don't make her transition to a new job more 
difficult than it already is by deluging her with questions about a band 
which is very important to you and I, but of which she knows nothing about.

I on the other hand would be happy to answer any questions you may have.  
This is not a church function, I and Scott Bailey (one of the flock here) are 
simply availing ourselves to the space available to help out Bill, Jake and 

This is the no frills version - No grills, no hotdogs, no unreleased U2 cuts, 
so on and so forth.  There will be Java and something cold to drink and a few 
cookies to go along with a chance to listen to Summershine and connect or 
reconnect with local VOL fans.  You can also tell Jason in Minneapolis all 
about all the VOL shows you have been to.

Wish I could make it into a bigger event, but I am a 
husband/father/pastor/neighbor and so forth.  At this point I have to many 
other big events to tend to, so let's enjoy this one for what it is... a 
chance to get together and listen to great music with good people.

Watching Eternity,
Andy B.

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