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Re: theories and astro

I am no scientist, though I've ALWAYS had a lay interest in the subject, rarely 
miss a lecture or a conference if I can possibly go, read a lot of the lesser 
technical material, and work full-time (for a short time longer) as a librarian 
at a Science research library.

I, indeed, have serious doubts about much of what goes under the heading 
of "creation science", however I must say that the fellows working within the 
Intelligent Design movement have asked a lot of pivotal questions -- hard 
questions that I believe could likely redirect much of evolutionary theory over 
the next few years.  Granted -- they don't have as many good answers as they 
have good questions -- they are a NEW science...look at darwinism in it's early 
years -- VERY FEW scientists accepted it as legit.  Darwin's popularizers were 
mostly atheist philosophers who felt justified by his theory (although Darwin 
was personally sympathetic to faith unto his death, even if not a believer 

This topic, of course, should die soon, however for those who are skeptical of 
the following scholar's works, I would like to advise a number of books;

Darwin's Black Box:the biochemical challenge to evolution - Michael Behe
(Should be called "the biochemical challenge to neo-darwinism, since Behe is 
CLEARLY an evolutionist. Oddly enough, Behe's theory DOES NOT argue for the 
existence of a god, so-to-say, only that the evidence that we presently have 
concerning evolution in places points to a creator -- this creator could be 
extra-terrestrial, and have evolved by a whole other process than us, and his 
theory would still stand.  Most people haven't taken that into consideration -- 
that he's not making a case for supernaturalism, but anyway...still a good book)

Science and Evidence of Design in the Universe - Michael Behe, William Dembski, 
Stephen Meyer

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities - William 

Mere Creation: Science, Faith & Intelligent Design -- Edited by William Dembski

Signs of Intelligence: Understanding Intelligent Design
-- edited by William Dembski 

and in the area of philosophy of Science

Naturalism: A Critical Analysis - William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland

I hope this turns at least a few of you on to some interesting new reading...
take care,

shannon lewis

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