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creation science


I'm probably not the best person to address this but I'll give it my
humble attempt.

I would agree that there has been some bad science that has gone on in the
name of "Creation Science."  They dogmatically insist on a young earth
even when evidence points the other way.  I haven't read enough to say
whether young earth or old earth theories are correct but I remain open to

There has been a movement over the last few years called "Intelligent
Design."  They seem to be trying to point to evidence for a creator,
nothing more.  They want to start at the basics "Does the creation point
to the involvement of an intelligent creator."  Folks like Michael Behe
(author of "Darwin's Black Box"), Phillip Johnson, and William Dembski
fall into this camp.

I would agree with Kelvin that Phillip Johnson is a thoughtful writer and
speaker.  I saw him speak earlier this year and left with a deep respect.

That said, I have no scientific background and have only read a very
little bit.

Bill Keith

Bill Keith, WSDP Radio, Plymouth-Canton Schools
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