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Re: Re: muses

On 6/17/01 10:15 PM, quoth the brilliant twj.skamos at juno_com at 
twj.skamos at juno_com:

>Ysobelle, you're just one hep cat.  Edna St. Vincent Millay
>should absolutely end up painted on that wall forever.

Say amen, brotha! Vincent is, was, and ever shall be the BOMB. I never 
liked poetry until I read "And You As Well Must Die Beloved Dust" in high 
school, found myself crying, and realised the power of poetry. GOOD 
poetry. I'm still a sucker for sonnets. Mine aren't as good as hers, but 
they made me the only, I think, professional Renaissance Faire poet I 
ever met. I had lofty goals cos of her. Some of my stuff sucked, of 
course, but at least I was aiming at a worthy mark.

>The guy who will never be a rock star
>(and doesn't want to be either),

Oh, but I do. Jess? Chris? David? Where are you?
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