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FW: TRIBUTE CD UPDATE -- 5-22-2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Tribute CD Team [mailto:tributecd at drewvogel_com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:59 AM
To: David Armstrong
Subject: TRIBUTE CD UPDATE -- 5-22-2001

We're working hard on the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project. Check the
http://www.drewvogel.com/whatittakestopleaseyou.html, for a hefty update.

At this point, the biggest hurdle to completion is the printing of the
and related materials. Bruce and Drew have been working hard to find a
that is willing to donate services (scanning, separating, films, paper,
etc) or to offer them at a reduced cost, so that the preparation and
of the artwork/booklet doesn't cost so much money...

Does anyone out there know anyone who might be willing/able to help out with
the printing? PLEASE let me know.

We had about 20 song submissions, far too many for one CD. Bruce and Drew
to discuss this situation, and decided that a TWO CD SET is the best route
this project.

In order to keep costs low (since Bruce and Drew aren't made of money),
going to burn CDs ourselves rather than going through expensive duplication.
As it turns out, the cost of a high-quality CD burner and a sizable stack of
blank CDs was less than HALF of the cost of duplication -- not even
the cost of mastering!

All songs that were submitted on CD have been dido'ed (high-quality digital
tweaked, and cleaned. We're getting with a studio to rip the songs off the
very soon, then the process of mastering begins. Mastering will lead
into duplication and burning.

Just to give you a concrete idea of how close we are: Drew has been working
an ORDERING webpage for the project.

FOR SOME REASON, Drew's messages to the OTR list aren't getting through
have any ideas as to why?). Could ONE of you, please, forward this update
to the list?

Bruce & Drew
(put your fingers on me)

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