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Amazon's Amazing FfR Review

Umm..  This is pretty "neat":

Editorial Reviews
Working in the increasingly marginalized adult-contemporary-for-smart-people 
niche (think Cowboy Junkies, Tori Amos, Timbuk3, et al.), Over the Rhine 
create a musical landscape that is all floating echoed guitars and sincere 
thoughtful vocals over rhythms that modulate between the vaguely funky and 
staidly straightforward. Vocalist Karin Berquist and 
keyboardist-guitarist-songwriter Linford Detweiler impressively mirror the 
emptiness of modern life with the vacuous Films for Radio. There are 
elements of country, soul, and 4AD here, but Over the Rhine steadfastly 
refused to commit to any one form or genre in particular, instead opting for 
an aural smorgasbord that while vapid is oddly satisfying in its absolute 
blandness. While one might be better off with the Walkabouts' latest, Over 
the Rhine's Films for Radio is truly modern music that is just what it 
appears to be--shallow. --Mike Johnson

Hmm.  People have already written to voice dissent re: this review.

Amaz* to the Nines,
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