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Re: An OTR virgin's perspective (of them live, 05-18-01)

jason says, after telling us of his first otr concert...

-still in a semi daze, listening to FfR and wondering why it don't sound the

hey there, jason!  i can tell you, i saw my first show in december of '97
after being told of their music by my stevieboo (hey there, stevieboo!  i got
my liscence...aren't you proud?!), and i didn't even notice how different the
live versions were from the recorded versions at first.  i was just so
enthralled with them as a band and their music that i couldn't help it.  my
dad noticed, though, and since then, seeing them at bradys and rosebud and
bogarts and moonlight gardens, i've realized that it happens.  over the rhine
is much better live.

i still listen to the recorded stuff, though, and i still enjoy it immensely.
 there's not too much else to be done.

you know what i realized as well?  i have a car now, and i'm going to recheck
that concert list.  maybe i'll be able to drive for several hours and see
over the rhine somewhere other than pittsburgh!  i really like having my
liscence...why in the world did i wait until i was 23?!

(goodness, did i really join this list when i was 19?  i miss snoop duggy

*sneaking back into the oblivion*

ps...rickers...i'll write you back soon, i promise!  and yes, you do owe me a
letter!  :)