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Re: duzzinny?

> >>>>>Anita: There doesn't happen to be any architecture or design firms
>And then:
> >>>>Oh dear Lord... did I say that? Really?  I'm horrified.
>That should be "There DON'T happen to be any architecture or design
>Geez.  See... proof I was ranting.. bad grammar.  :)<<<<<
>Should't it be "There does not happen to be ANY."
>Confusion created with plural "design firms," but I think s/v agreement
>is between "does" and "any," both singular.  So, right the first time.
>But, really, this is one of those ambiguous situations in the sense that
>no one is likely to notice it except composition teachers, and not even
>all of them.
>Or I could be wrong.

as a journalism major or something akin to those lines, that should be easy, 
but is it the s/v agreement between the s: firms and v: does or do?
Eliminate the wording, swish it about in a bottle of vodka, and it becomes:  
Do there happen to be no firms within walking distance?  Eliminating the 
negative, Do there happen to be firms? or, Do there happen to be any?

So, do should be the correct verb...

either that or we should just forget about it and drink the bottle of 

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