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Re: conservation hypocrits

From: Don Smith <dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu>

(clip) > for hundreds of thousands of years.  Jesus said to be wise as
serpents, and the
> lillies of the field don't jet around, frivolously wasting fuel, either.
> That's not what he meant by not worrying about the future.  As Paul
> out, it's not right to simply do what you want, since God will forgive you
> anyway.  It was in a different context, of course, but I think the analogy
> holds.
> But all this is way, way, off-topic, so I'll stop there

um. I think you misunderstood my point just a tad.  I never said we didn't
need to be good stewards of what God gave us. Never did I say that. I am
pointing out something though that I consider to be quite relevant. We are
living with the mentality of "resources are running out" and that's not true
either. See, ideas have consequesnces. And I personally don't buy into the
resources are running out routine.

My generation was taught that "god is dead" "survival of the fittest" "there
aren't enough resources" so is it suprising that we have people going off
and killing  babies and classmates killing one another? That's the fruit of
what we have taught them. We have no value of people becuase we see that
there are too many peopel and I am the strongest so does it matter?

So when I say I don't buy the resources bit I say that cause I don't believe
we are runningout of resources. I beleive that God has given us enough to
provide for all the people that he has created.

Maybe that makes my point better?


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