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Re: Gas prices (was Re: This Friday, May 18th.)

Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
>Personally, I'm saving up for a Honda Insight. Fossil fuels are just 
>_not_ the way.
>(I'm 1.2 miles from work, and my old Honda gets great mileage. I'm 
>profoundly thankful. Wooty woot!)
Another Honda fan! *grin*

I had an '88 Civic and when it finally gave up the ghost (with 230K miles on 
it,)  I went right back and bought a brand spankin' new silver Civic in '99.  
 The Insight's do look nifty; but the colors I've seen are horrid... some 
sort of cat-hurl green and an already-rusted brown.  Hmm.  Do they offer it 
in anything normal?

Anyway: it's all relative: I'm used to paying $12 (max) to fill the tank, 
about once every two weeks or so... and now it's $18/week.  

All right, all right... I'm just getting old.  *grin*  

Further proof:
I got a 2 out of 6 on the 'How Cool of a Mom Are You?" quiz.  
(I did know that Incubus was a band.  *grin*... and I know what peeps 
are......but I couldnt name the members of NSYNC, and does anyone here have a 
clue what TRL stands for?  I'm still not sure what the right answer for that 
one is...)

Anyway, the analysis read: "Don't worry about letting go of cool; it let go 

'Just losing my grip...'

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