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Re: Before OtR

> > fact that Linford was involved with several Christian-rock outfits
> > OTR,
> Hey. Paul here. We'll promise to huddle 'round the campfire, stay quiet
> not poke anyone with our marshmallowcoathangers if you promise to tell us
> the story of Linford's pre-Rhine days... I've never heard that story
> before... Pass the graham crackers <blink, blink>....

Heh. There are others here who probably know more than I do. I know only
that Linford was involved with Servant (touring, I think, but not recording,
afaik). Servant, of course, was a pretty major Christian band in the
early/mid 80's, and in fact Owen Brock (who founded Servant) is a name that
still pops up in the OTR liner notes. I don't recall if Owen's name is
anywhere on the FFR notes, but I'm thinking it is.

Also, Linford played bass on World Theatre's eponymous record (which is a
fabulous record and I highly recommend tracking down a copy of it).  World
Theatre wasn't a major player in the Christian music scene, but they were
certainly a "Christian" band (and one of the better ones, at that).  After
one record, World Theatre more or less morphed into another band called
Human Condition (which I don't think Linford was involved in, but I could be

That's really all I know.  Anyone have any additional info?

paul christian glenn | pcg at runbox_com

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