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Re: Re: Vigilantes

On 4/12/01 6:13 PM, quoth the brilliant j-cochran at juno_com at 
j-cochran at juno_com:

>I remember.  That was the night that we all went out to Cornerstone (the
>bar, not the music fest!) with them, right? Or was that a different time
>that you were there? I remember Bill bought me a coke, because I was not
>yet 21.  THat made my night.  :-)
>Who all was there?  I think I remember rick (of coarse), me, DM (fan
>boy), the Wookie, Raven (maybe? I'm not sure on that one), Jeff and Becca
>from Akron were there too, weren't they?  JG, and Monica,
>Was that the night that Kyle and Chris were up, and someone (Kyle I
>think) was trying to throw sugar packets into my shirt?
>THat whole 4-5 month stretch all blends in together now into one big
>happy memory.  I miss that.  we need to start getting together more
>peoples!  Come to Kent, I have plenty of crash space !

Which is why I said y'all should come to Philly for the show on the 18th. 
Come on. All your friends are doing it. It'll make ya feeeeeel good!

By the way, where the hell IS the Wookie? Did he drop off the face of the 
planet or what?

Come to Philly. I have a new pool cue.
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