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Re: e-mail?

--- "Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca>
> Howdy.  My e-mail service crashed yesterday morning,
> and anything sent my
> way was probably bounced back for good; could one
> person from each of
> these lists send me the e-mails that were sent
> between Saturday midnight
> and Monday noon?  

Dang!  I hardly have time to keep up with one list
(especially when someone such as myself causes a
ruckus) much less seven!  How do you do it?

Actually, you can go to www.actwin.com/OtR/ to find
all the messages archived.  They typically show up
there before they show up in my inbox, so it will be
very current.


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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