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the taylor show

man... i didn't go, and i'm slightly kicking myself over it.

i've been hearing so many reveiws about kilts and songs and music, and i
missed it!

o well, sometimes you gotta put other stuff first.

so, i don't have my CD yet, but UPS promises it today... but the funny
thing was:

friday night, a bunch of us were invited to get together and do some
visual file stuff. we were told to bring some music ot inspire us. and i
wished i'd had the Fffr, but i didn't. so i brought linford's piano
stuff. as we're sitting around, cutting things out, i realise that i've
been hearing karen sing for a while, but didn't recognise the song. i
asked what cd was this? and got told, Ffr (: (: two other people had
brought it, and someone else had brought another otr.  so. i already love 
it, but i'm looking forward to knowing my own copy.

that would be all from this morning's mumble.

If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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