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Re: Rolling over the Little Blue River (Taylor Review)

On 3/16/01 1:12 AM, quoth the brilliant binksnort at 
binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com:

>Karin and Linford were very amiable. It was fun
>talking to them. Yzzi, Karin loves you and went so far
>as to ask me the proper "definition" of WOOTY WOOT!
>before she started using it. I assured her that her
>assumptions were correct, and that it is an expression
>of glee. You know they say hello.

I just woke the dog-- she's giving me the most confused looks. "What was 
that shriek? Wha'd ya wake me up for? Do I get a chew? Scratch my butt 
and everything's forgiven."

Now I feel even worse that I didn't get in on the signed-and-numbered 
thing. Alas! My only consolation is that when I show up at the next 
Philly show (which, I plead with the Booking Agents That Be) will 
hopefully NOT be at the overpriced Tin Angel, with my new copy of FfR in 
hand, I can get it signed personally. Which will make me (...wait for 
it...!) dog-snortin' happy. Are we sensing a canine theme?

I spent yesterday serenading the little mall at Philadelphia 
International with a (shh!) bootleg OtR concert. Our stores are all 
open-fronted so that the weary travellers trudging from terminal to 
terminal need not exert themselves to see all the pretty places to spend 
money. ("Of course you don't need $700 Australian Boulder Opal earrings. 
But you have eight hours more hurtling through the air locked into a 
small metal cylinder with six overworked flight attendants, fifteen 
strangers with the flu, thirty-four businesspeople with obnoxiously 
beeping Palm Vs, three screaming babies, four fat guys with bad breath, 
and the chick in the window seat who has to go to the bathroom every hour 
on the hour. You might as well look good while you're suffering.") 
Unfortunately, this means that not only the aforementioned weary 
travellers, but all my fellow merchants as well, could see me dancing 
around my store singing. But they must have liked my musical choice, 
since no one pointed out that it isn't exactly the season for "Silent 
Night." Mmm. Well, I'll just leave it that the flight attendants were too 
polite, the travellers were too jet-lagged, and the runway techs can't 
hear anything anymore, anyway.
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