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Thanks to those who helped me find information on
"Evening Primrose".  Your information enabled me to
track it down in anthology (The Dark Descent - stories
by Flannery O'Conner, Stephen King, Faulkner, Bradbury
and others.)

"Evening Primrose" is a great story about an
unsuccesful artist who decides to escape a thankless
society by living in a department store.  When he gets
there he discovers that there is an entire crew of
people living there.  He falls in love with a young
girl who lost her mother while shopping and is now a
maidservant of the groups matriarch figure.  Then bad
stuff starts to happen...

If anyone cares...

Anyway, thanks for your help.


"The pleasure of obedience is pretty thin compared to the pleasure of hearing a rotten tomato hit someone in the rear end."     --  Garrison Keillor

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