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Re: What I wouldn't give for a front porch!

hi kelvin,

i agree that there is value in all that you are
admiring and identifying with in your post.  many of
us have similar ties in family and backround.  i
certainly do.

but it doesn't mean that i or they march to that
cultural drum.  it's okay to bitch about missing out
on the facets of culture that appeal to a person.  my
dad would do the same if he were away from his front
porch and NASCAR races.

now this is my _daddy_ we're talking about...the man i
probably look up to most in my life :)  it's not his
cultural values that i love.  it's his character.  and
he has character in the country just as he would as a
citified person, if he so chose...and just as we
youngins can in our niches.  though he'd prefer i
stayed below the mason dixon, he blesses me wherever i
manage to go.

the part about maintaining this character, though, i
will admit, does have to do with how we say the things
we say.  maybe we should be more conscious about the
way in which we complain (so as not to insult those
who fit in our big world in different and valuable
ways).  but let's take it in context and not
personally.  we all must read with a little grain of
salt b/c everything that flies off the keyboard has
it's origin in a very complex being, a human.

some people like the city, some people like the
country.  we are all allowed to have a preference and
are prone to express it in various ways.

oh gosh, i really should be grading papers right
now... :)


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