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It's not all bad.

On 11/12/00 4:37 PM, quoth stenad at email_uc.edu:

>Again, I agree.  There has to be something done.  I don't know if that means
>getting rid of the Electoral College completely, but I think there needs to
>be a change in the voting process in presidential elections.  That decision
>will probably be made by people who are a lot smarter than me.  Hopefully
>something can be done that will create a process that is a lot more fair for
>everyone, but I see that taking a long time.

Which is, in a way, the only good thing to come out of this whole mess. 
Not only are we all aware now of the extent to which our current system 
doesn't work, and how many of our fellow citizens are still discriminated 
against and repressed, we're all TALKING about it. Everywhere I go, I 
hear people discussing the election. On the bus, in my store, everywhere. 
It's incredible, in a way. When was the last time we as a country EVER 
got this involved in our OWN political system? And although I know most 
people will lapse back into apathy and ennui, at least a few will be 
galvanized to dive in and do something. And kids now will grow up knowing 
that this kind of thing can and does happen here in America, not just in 
little countries you need a passport, a visa, and a really detailed map 
to get to. We're going to be looking at and talking about this election 
for a long time, and hopefully some really positive change will come of 
it. We're lucky, in a way. Most countries don't get this shaken up 
without massive amounts of blood in the streets.

Note to all: bink has to be one of the coolest guys in the Universe. 
Wooty woot!

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