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RE: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #331

Did I just get a whole Over the Rhine digest devoted to Al Gore and George


I noticed that on those crazy ballots, it would have been as easy to vote
for Buchanon instead of *Bush*.

I also thought they weren't very hard to understand.  Really.  Weren't.

And this "Will of the people must pevail!!!" stuff.  What is that?  The will
of the people is clearly just about 50/50.  Ridiculously near 50/50. 
Nobody's got a mandate.  Approximately x number of people will be unhappy if
Gore goes in.  Approximately X if Bush.  Okay.  There's no great travesty
here.  There's no massive miscalculation of the people's will.  The people
are a dollar of this, hundred pennies of that.

I also think that it is wrong to assume that every Nader vote woulda been a
vote for Gore.  Right wing and Left wing folks were attracted to nader.  And
a bucha folks came out just to vote for Nader.

I wonder if it is right, in a federal system in whcih each state and region
is to have a voice, that Bush can carry the majority of states, most of the
MW, most the South, and not be considered the person who most of the regions
think serves their needs.  In the current system, the needs of places like
FL and CA get a lot more attention than the needs of the Midwest.  What is
that?  Are we sure that's right?  One person one vote feels right in a sorta
easy out way.  But is it right?  Aren't there still regional issues? 
Doesn't it still matter that all the areas of the country are not the same? 
Why is no one asking this question?  There's gonna be a push to let the
popular vote be THE vote, and I am incredibly uneasy about that.

Those are things that I wonder.

I would like to nominate Ric and Terri for pres and vp.

Thankyou and goodnight.


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